IC4 Cloud Computing & Commerce – Host in Ireland | iMiller Public Relations

IC4, in conjunction with Host in Ireland and CloudLightning, is delighted to invite you to a workshop, "Data Centres in Ireland". It will take place on Friday, December 9, 2016 in DCU Business School, Room Q301, Third Floor, from 10:00 - 13:00.

Ireland is home to one of the largest data centre clusters in Europe. Ireland's combination of Policy, Pedigree, People, Power and Pipes (5 Ps) is assisting the market to grow from indigenous operators (CIX and Dataplex) to multinationals (Interxion, Digital Realty, KeppelDC, Equinix) and global hyperscalers (Microsoft, Google, Amazon and Apple).

The rapid growth in the adoption of cloud computing is supercharging demand for data centre capacity. However, it raises a number of issues that data centres must constantly monitor and address. These include data security and protection, performance monitoring, resource optimisation, energy efficiency and support for new use cases, services and workloads.

IC4 is currently consulting with various stakeholders in the wider cloud ecosystem to identify potential projects for collaboration with industry sectors. On 9 December 2016, we will be holding a workshop with owners and managers of data centres to:

  • Identify specific policy, business, legal and technical issues and opportunities relating to the operation of data centres arising from the growth in cloud computing and how they should be addressed.
  • Identify practical research or outreach actions that will support data centres in Ireland in addressing these issues and opportunities in a systematic manner.

The event will take place in Q301 in DCU Business School from 10:00 to 13:00 on Friday, 9 December 2016 followed by a light lunch. IC4 and invited guest speakers will present on:

  • Introduction to IC4 and IC4 Research - Professor Theo Lynn 
  • Horizon 2020 Research Spotlight
    • CloudLightning - Professor John Morrison
    • CACTOS - Dr Paul Liston
    • PROTECTIVE - Dr Brian Lee
  • Policy, Business and Legal Issues and Opportunities for Irish Data Centres - Garry Connolly, President and Founder, Host in Ireland

The workshop will conclude with a breakout session to discuss opportunities for collaboration between the data centre industry in Ireland and potential practical research and outreach actions that can be supported by IC4. This event is free of charge, however, places are limited. To register your place, please visit https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/ic4-consultation-event-data-centres-in-ireland-tickets-29586021587.



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